Propertyconsisting of a disusedfueldistribution service area (about 4,000 squaremeters), with infrastructure to be overhauled, and an adjacentland of about 9,000 squaremeterslocated in the Industrial Zone of Lecce. The service area and the landhaveurban planning purposes in the D3 artisanal and commercial sector, suitable for commercial and artisanalplants and equipment, aswellas for warehouses. Due to itsproximity to a service area, the destination of a hotel or Motel can also be assumed for the land. The propertyislocated a few minutes from the highway to Brindisi (the main road to the North), a few minutes from the ring road of Lecce, on the highway to Taranto (the main road to the North West). On the service area a houseinsists of about 120 squaremeters to be restored, with connection to water, electricity, sewage and methane networks. Propertycurrentlyexempt from energycertification. Further information availableat the agency